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Westchester Physician – April 2021 Volume 37, Issue 4
It goes without saying that the last year has been a real emotional roller coaster ride, increasingly discouraging statistics punctuated by hope inspiring good news. As the pandemic wears on, it is harder to get excited by uplifting news...
Westchester Physician – March 2021 Volume 37, Issue 3
Like many of us during this interminable pandemic, I have found myself exploring new activities that can help ease the tedium of long hours at home with little social interaction. I have resurrected my piano playing and am currently working...
Westchester Physician – February 2021 Volume 37, Issue 2
Regular readers of my column may remember that I am a big fan of audiobooks which I listen to anytime I am driving alone in my car. It allows me to get through a lot of novels and nonfiction works each year. It provides a discipline I don’t...
Westchester Physician – January 2021 Volume 37, Issue 1
In previous columns I have written about the parallels between our current COVID-19 pandemic and the last great pandemic: AIDS. I recently read a book that flushed out for me even more details of the similarities and differences: How to...
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